Monday, 9 September 2013

Summary of BEST KEPT SECRETS - Price & Assoc. Inc.

This is a summary of the BEST KEPT SECRETS thread posted on Price and Associates Facebook page.

ALABAMA  WPA Alabama Writer’s Project includes 6,900 pages of material including ex-slave tales, life histories, short stories and folklore of Alabama life. (Digitized by Genealogical Society of Utah in 2007).  The website also has a Civil War Soldiers database, 1867 Voter Registration database and a digital archive with all name search engine.

ALASKA   The Alaska State Historical Library has had a Newspaper Project underway for a number of years with the object of capturing all the newspapers from 1866-1998 on microfilm.

Also see the Digital Collection available at the Sealaska Heritage Institute website

ARIZONA  Arizona is one of the few states with free online access to birth and death records.  Births 1855-1936 and deaths 1844-1961.

ARKANSAS  Genealogical “diamonds” in Arkansas.  Their website CARAT (Catalog of Arkansas Resources and Treasures) includes:

Biodex (a file which provides access to much of the state archives’ holdings including obituaries, vertical files and the small manuscript collection), Arkansas land records, Arkansas confederate pensions and home records, World War I discharge papers, and an index to County records.

CALIFORNIA  The virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco has online information regarding those who perished in the San Francisco Earthquake of April 18, 1906.  They also have records of the California Gold Rush, interment of the Japanese during World War II and more.

COLORADO  The Colorado State Archives has an online index of records including marriage, military, inheritance tax, penitentiary, divorce, probate records and more!  ( )

CONNECTICUT  Connecticut Historical Society Unveils “New” Resources for Historians & Genealogists

NORTHERN NEW YORK  This website has fully indexed historical newspapers for the counties of Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis, Oswego and St. Lawrenve.

OKLAHOMA The Indian-Pioneer Papers oral history collection spans from 1861 to 1936. It includes typescripts of interviews conducted during the 1930s by government workers with thousands of Oklahomans regarding the settlement of Oklahoma and Indian territories, as well as the condition and conduct of life there. Consisting of approximately 80,000 entries, the index to this collection may be accessed via personal name, place name, or subject.

WASHINGTON   The Washington State Digital Archives “the nation’s first archives dedicated specifically to the preservation of electronic records from both State and Local agencies that have permanent legal, fiscal or historical value.”


AUSTRIA AND PASSAU, GERMANY Online church records for Austrian and Passau,Germany at Matricula

SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND  Sheffield (England) Indexers.  Their mission is to “provide, via the internet, accurate indexed transcriptions of genealogical records for access by all, free of charge.” Projects include the 1841 Census index, parish registers, school admission registers, BMD certificates.

GERMANS FROM RUSSIA  and  provide a wealth of information surrounding the villages and inhabitants of the Volga River Germans who emigrated from Russia. ( and  )


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