Sunday, 29 April 2012

UK :Global Batch Numbers for the "International Genealogical Index"

The “International Genealogical Index” (IGI), produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), is without doubt the most comprehensive resource for genealogists worldwide. In order to reap the greatest benefits from this compilation, researchers must understand how this database was created. Understanding the term batch number and learning how to identify these numbers greatly enhances searching capabilities on the IGI and enables researchers to retrieve entire transcripts of parish registers online for free. Genealogists around the globe have created guides to help researchers identify IGI Batch Numbers.

What is the "International Genealogical Index?"

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) trace their ancestors because they believe that their families can be together forever, even beyond the grave. The pedigrees they create become part of the "International Genealogical Index."
About Price Genealogy
Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.
Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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UK : Female Ancestors - Finding a Wife’s Maiden Name

As genealogists we all have brick walls: can be any time, place or location.  There is no one solution for solving a dead end in our lineage.  Every problem needs to be approached differently.  Because most records in most locations and time periods are centered around men, we often have only a first name of a wife, or often, no name at all.  We just know she was the wife of Thomas Jones. To solve such a dilemma we must determine the time, location and circumstances relative to our female ancestor.  We must lay the groundwork for attacking the problem in a special way.
Perhaps the most straightforward way to attack such a problem is to make a timeline of her life.  Collect all information known about her.  If not much is known, focus on her husband.  Where were they when, from marriage or even birth, to the time they had their children, to the close of their lives.
1. Look for the marriage record itself.  Find the original marriage record.  The marriage licence or application can be more valuable than the original.   If you can’t find the marriage, seek it in surrounding areas, or check various marriage indexes.
2. Check all possible records on husband to get clues to help determine who she was.
3. If ancestor fought in the military, check pension papers for the widow.  Military Pension Papers valuable, especially if wife outlived husband. Good for Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Union Civil War, Spanish-American War, Indian Wars, etc.
About Price Genealogy
Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.
Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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UK : English Ancestry: Striking Gold with Indices

Family history research in the past twenty years has taken huge strides in conserving time and energy in British research. The purpose of this discussion is to cover the major indexes available in various repositories in Britain, United States and online relevant to English family history. It is important to always remember when using indexes that these indexes are tools only. The original entries should always be checked.
  • International Genealogical Index or IGI. This has indexed about 60% of all baptisms in England 1538-1837 and some as late as 1880. It has also indexed many marriages, but perhaps more like 30-40% of such marriages. This is the largest and most all-inclusive of all genealogical indexes. It includes approximately 50 million English baptisms and marriages.
  • British Isles Vital Records Index is similar to the IGI. It includes indexed entries as follows:

Christenings      Marriages
England           6.7 million               1.7 million
Ireland             1.1 million               100,000
Scotland          2.5 million               41,000
Wales                18,000                      4,000
About Price Genealogy
Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.
Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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UK: British County-Wide Marriage Indexes

Try our NEW Expert Links page for England
Find out if your county is indexed covering the time period you need!
Historically, English men often married outside their parishes of residence. Marriages generally took place in the bride's place of residence. Because there are over 11,000 Church of England parishes in England alone, it is often difficult to track down these records. To help alleviate this problem, genealogists and family history societies have created county-wide marriage indexes.
Percival Boyd, an avid genealogist in the early twentieth-century, is credited with devising this method to solve English family history conundrums. He made a serious dent in making a nation-wide index for England through what is known as Boyd's Marriage Index. Next, the International Genealogical Index, and it's holding-tank, the British Vital Records Index (CD-ROM), furthered these efforts. While each of these databases are valuable, they are incomplete when parish coverage is analyzed county-by-county, making them inferior to the indexes discussed in this article.
About Price Genealogy
Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.
Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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UK : Bastardy or Illegitimacy in England

Bastard is properly the base child of a father of gentle or noble birth, but more generally any illegitimate child; child born out of wedlock, base-born child; basterino; pack-saddle child; natural child; of natural birth; unfathered, etc.

Percentage of children born illegitimate in three different parishes in three different counties:

1588-1600         None

1601-1650         .69%

1651-1700         1.35%

1701-1750         1.96%

1751-1800         9.97%

1801-1835         6.18%

A child born out of wedlock is legitimated by the subsequent marriage of his parents

1837-1965 about 4-7% of births were illegitimate

It is suggested the increase in illegitimacy in the 18th century was caused by the rapid growth in ale houses 1730s to 1780’s. Peter Laslett in The World We Have Lost (1965) states” Our ancestors, by this test of bastards born and registered as such, were rather more moral sexually than are we ourselves.”

Where to find records of illegitimate children – especially the name and identity of the father:

The first and best place to locate information on illegitimacy, including the name of the father, was in the parish registers.  1538-present

Civil registration (birth and marriage certificates) 1837-present might name father, although note laws referenced below.

A parish Edgmond, Salop has a special bastard register 1797-1828

READ MORE : Bastardy or Illegitimacy in England 

About Price Genealogy

Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.

Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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UK : Ale Taster or Wagon Greaser: Who Was Your Ancestor?

O let us love our occupations,

Bless the squire and his relations,

Live upon our daily rations,

And always know our proper station.

Charles Dickens, The Chimes, 1845.

Not all of us love our occupations, but in a very real sense they define who we are.  In introductory conversation, “What do you do?” follows shortly after “How do you do?”

“Occupation” can be interpreted broadly to include status as well as vocation

Occupations for a given individual can change over time, or they may be seasonal. A man who worked in London as a pawnbroker’s assistant, later became a commercial clerk, a general salesman and a shopkeeper.  It was typical of a Victorian husband and father to turn his hand to a series of different jobs to earn enough to support his family. To most of our ancestors, an occupation was something they learned in their early years and practiced until they dropped.  Not for them the luxury of pursuing the path of ambition which was afforded to those in the law, the church or the military.  You hewed stone or drew water because that was what was needed to keep the wolf from the door; indeed, you probably did both, since dual or multiple occupations have often been the norm in British society, as is evidenced by many a 17th century “shoemaker and alehouse keeper” or a 19th century “collier and grocer”.

READ MORE :  Ale Taster or Wagon Greaser: Who Was Your Ancestor?

About Price Genealogy

Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.

Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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UK : Acquiring Fluency in Reading Archaic English Documents

With anticipation, you begin to read the 17th century English will of one of your ancestors – or do you? This ancient document contains priceless ancestral information, but at first glance, appears impossible to read. Genealogists remember first encounters with these “chicken scratch” scripts and the feelings of frustration involved in vain attempts to interpret them. Experts know that acquiring fluency in reading archaic English documents requires sufficient instruction, study, and practice. Proper instruction includes learning how to decipher old handwriting, understand antiquated terminology, and how to correctly extend abbreviations.

Over the centuries, the English have used several different handwriting styles. Scribes composed legal documents chiefly in what is termed secretary hand from the 15th to the 17th centuries. Secretary hand merged with italic hand, which originated in Italy. By the end of the 17th century, the offspring of this handwriting marriage called mixed hand (aka round hand) developed. Mixed and italic hands are the handwriting styles currently used in Great Britain, America, and Western Europe. (1) (2) (3)

To learn secretary hand requires familiarization with characters that differ from the handwriting we use in our modern-day alphabet; nevertheless, the alphabet is basically the same.

READ MORE :  Acquiring Fluency in Reading Archaic English Documents

About Price Genealogy

Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.

Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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USA : Genealogical Value of the Southern Twang

Everyone’s heard it, y’awlawl-rite, but did you know the Southern twang can help you discover your ancestral origins? The Southern accent, which some people love and some people hate, derived from dialects spoken in different regions of the British Isles. Early colonists transported it with them across the Atlantic and even though it has largely disappeared in the Mother Country, the accent survived in its rebellious child. Social historians utilize clues like this to learn more about peoples for whom few written records survive and knowledge of linguistic origins narrows the British regions for genealogists to search for immigrant origins.

Tracing the British roots of Southern colonial ancestors has always posed research obstacles for genealogists. Wars, fires, harsh living conditions, illiteracy, and natural disasters have ruined much of the South’s written legacy. In Albion’s Seed, David Hackett Fischer explains that alternative techniques can be implemented to learn more about the origins of Southern colonists. He explores similar architecture, eating habits, vocabulary, accents, and marital rituals between American colonists and regionally separated groups in the British Isles. Synthesizing studies by many authors, he demonstrates that many of these distinguishing customs come from specific areas in the British Isles. Fischer categorizes two of the major groups who settled in the South as the “Borderers” and those who came from the South of England.

 READ MORE :  Genealogical Value of the Southern Twang

About Price Genealogy

Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.

Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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USA : Finding Elusive Ancestors in Online Census Indexes

“I know they have to be there!” is a commonly heard complaint amongst those who can’t find their ancestors in US census record indexes. Census records should help genealogists expand their roots, not stunt their growth. Many times, researchers are correct in conclusions that ancestors should be found in certain locations, even when they can’t find them listed in indexes. Actually finding these lost souls requires unorthodox approaches to searching the census.

Never totally rely on census indexes

Over the years, many census indexes have been created. Statewide name indexes by Ronald Vern Jackson, Family Tree Maker, et al, and more recently nationwide name indexes found at,, and, promise to quicken the process of finding ancestors throughout the United States. However, when attempting to accomplish such mammoth aims, most fall short of creating the most accurate searchable indexes. Without local knowledge of families who lived in certain time periods and places, indexers will never sufficiently master the palaeography to be mistake-free. Since companies have produced many of these indexes independently, try checking multiple versions to find missed individuals.

READ MORE : Finding Elusive Ancestors in Online Census Indexes

About Price Genealogy

Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.

Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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USA: Origins of Colonial Chesapeake Indentured Servants: American and English Sources



Geographic Factors

American Sources

English Sources

Focused Projects



With access to records on both sides of the ocean plus a dose of luck, family historians can trace the English origins of ancestors who were indentured servants in America and understand their lives.

Indentured servants were not glamorous or famous figures in colonial

America. Nevertheless, family historians are interested in knowing that an ancestor—male or female—may have been indentured. More important, the designation “indentured servant” signifies that the individual immigrated—a fact that surviving colonial sources often do not clarify and one that can open doors to finding the ancestor in European records.

Indentured servants can be found among the forebears of most people with southern colonial ancestry.[1] Identifying an ancestor as indentured, however, is a challenge. These men and women created few records while bound and, once they became free, records might not mention their previous status. More daunting is tracing known indentured servants back to their arrival in America and from there to a European port of departure and place of birth. Some original records generated specifically about these servants have been lost, but many sources survive in the United States and Europe that can help researchers identify these ancestors and understand their lives.



READ MORE :   Origins of Colonial Chesapeake Indentured Servants: American and English Sources



About Price Genealogy

Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.

Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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Price Genealogy : The Literal Descendants of Aharon

Three thousand years ago, descendants of Aharon HaKohen (Aaron) officiated in Israelite temple ceremonies. These priests, or in Hebrew Kohanim, held many significant responsibilities amongst the Hebrews. The Cohen family, today spread throughout the world, has maintained the tradition that they are literal descendants of this priestly family. Scientists utilizing Y-chromosome tests have confirmed that the majority of Cohens are monogenetic and descend from a common ancestor who lived approximately 3,300 years ago.
 Read More : The Literal Descendants of Aharon

  About Price Genealogy

Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond. Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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Price Genealogy : Keeping Pace with Eastern European Genealogical Research Developments

Since the fall of communism in the former Soviet Union in 1991, the world has gained greater access to Eastern European archives. This emerging historical field still poses serious research problems for genealogists seeking ancestors in this part of the world. Some countries forbid access to and duplication of their historical treasures. Genealogists often have to learn to read several foreign languages in order to trace single pedigrees. The Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS) is committed to sharing the latest genealogical research developments for Eastern and Central Europe with the public and facilitating the usage of these sources.
FEEFHS serves as an umbrella organization over more than 100 family history societies from all over the world who are interested in genealogical research in Eastern and Central Europe. Led by professional researchers, translators, and Family History Library record acquisitions’ employees, FEEFHS stands at the head of this dynamic field. If you have ancestors from Eastern Europe, you should join this organization.

About Price Genealogy
Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.
Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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Price Genealogy : One-Place Studies

Imagine how exciting it would be if, after discovering the birthplace of an ancestor, you learned some dedicated soul had taken the time to sort out all of the families in your ancestor's community.  Think how much time it would save you!  Administrators of one-place studies do just that.
Wikipedia's article "One-Place Study," provides the following definition of a one-place study:
One-place studies are a branch of family history with a focus on the entire population of a single European village, not just a single, geographically dispersed family line.
Although prevalent in Europe, one-place studies are actually taking place around the globe.  Norwegians use the term bygdebok; Germans call themOrtsfamilienbücherDorfsippenbücher, and Ortssippenbücher; Americans often refer to them as county heritage books; while in England, the British prefer the terms "parish reconstitution" or "one-place study."  In this article, they will simply be called one-place studies.

Quality and Quantity

One-place studies differ in quality and quantity, depending upon the scope of the investigation.  Some of the highest-quality studies have been conducted by professors and students at the University of Cambridge, Harvard, l'Université de Montréal, and l'Univerité de Liège.  These studies are normally conducted to analyze historical demographic trends and utilize only single sources, such as ecclesiastical parish registers.  They may only cover a specified time range, deemed "of academic interest."
On the other hand, hobbyists may complete one-place studies for places where their ancestors lived.  They may utilize multiple sources in their compilations and cover longer time frames; however, because they are secondary sources, and these individuals may lack historical training, genealogists should always check the information for accuracy.

Read More : One-Place Studies

About Price Genealogy
Located one block from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Price & Associates is able to trace
most family histories back four or five generations without difficulty. With additional assistance from our research professionals across the globe, we have successfully traced genealogies back as many as thirty generations—to William the Conqueror, 1066 A.D. and beyond.
Price & Associates professional genealogy researchers have been helping people discover their heritage for more than thirty years. As one of the United States’ largest genealogical firms, we have assisted thousands of families to organize, chart, and verify their ancestral lines.Price & Associates uses the best software andgenealogy resources available, and even provides access to free databases and researching aids to everyone interested in their family history.

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            801-531-0920       (For local callers)

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